Now that nothing is finished, I’ve decided to start another part of the project. Having drawers is ok, but ultimately they have to be secured somewhere. I’ve chosen the absolute worst wall to do this on, so I’m set. Basically, I’m securing a board to the studs in the wall, then I can put the cabinets along the board wherever. The only obstacle is an outlet that is going to wind up behind one of the cabinets. I am going to have to cut the board around the outlet and snake an extension cord or something through the gap between the wall and cabinets.

I’m like 70% done? I need some more wood glue and some shorter screws to do the actual hanging.

But since I’m impatient or maybe just slow

It was my intention to continue building my older sets once everything was finished. With the cabinets mounted, labeled, etc. But I’ve gotten all these bricks sorted and I do have to go to the store for supplies and I might as well wait to do that until I can go after work. And while I could continue working on the app, I could also just build shit. Plus, I wanted to see how well even this works out.

I’m working out of about a couple hundred of drawers but they are somewhat organized. For instance, one row of 12 contains Technic axles from 2L to the largest size I have. Bricks and plates are a little more complex as I have a lot of 1×2 plates, so they’re in a large drawer, but I don’t have as many 1×6 plates, so they’re in a small drawer. So for the most part, I don’t have to do a bunch of hunting for pieces.

I took a few small set instructions and looked up the inventories on Bricklink. After learning to sort by ItemNo rather than Color Name, I was able to pull the sets in a decent amount of time. I’ve learned I’m missing some pieces. That was to be expected. Some of these sets are over 30 years old by now.

I’m interested to see what’s left after I finish building all of the sets without part inventories in the instructions. I do have a number of sets where I no longer even have the instructions. We’re talking sets that have traveled through several moves, often in shoeboxes and old shopping bags. Sets that had to be left behind while I evacuated for hurricanes. Sets that were stored in places where rodents managed to get to. So, some grace is in order.

By toast